I’ve been a physician assistant for 25 years. I have worked in family medicine, internal medicine, addiction medicine, and orthopedic surgery. I have seen patients struggle with remembering the specific names or doses of their medication. I know the questions your health care providers ask when you see them in the clinic, urgent care, emergency room, hospital, and ambulances. I’ve seen patients in agony trying to answer my questions when they had migraines, chest pain, abdominal pain, or shortness of breath.
When the encouragement from changing from paper charts to electronic medical records developed, it was sold to us as ways to improve patient care. There would be fewer medical errors, better communication, and improved outcomes for patients. Over the years, the government enforced electronic medical records by reducing medicare reimbursements year after year on those hospitals and clinicians who did not use electronic medical records.
Your medical information is encrypted and protected on those web servers. However, all of your medical treatments and information are probably on different systems. If you have a primary care physician, a cardiologist, and an endocrinologist, the odds that they are all on the same electronic medical system is low. To get access to all of that data is cumbersome and often complicated. MyMedicInfo simplifies access to your medical history by using Trusona for user authentication and no password to remember. Plus, you control your medical information—highly sensitive and confidential information you can omit. For example, if you have a history of a sexually transmitted infection, simply skip that information. An emergency room physician or paramedic is more interested in your allergies, medications, and what diagnosed conditions you have. MyMedicInfo will enhance your medical care.
As a health care provider who has worked in a variety of clinics and environments, I can get frustrated with the technology intended to make things better. I’ve worked at a hospital where the health care providers had to take classes to use the hospital’s electronic medical records. Health care electronic systems should not be so complicated that you have to take classes to navigate through them.
I developed this website to keep your information secure. It has three levels of security. First, it has the highest level of SSL encryption available. A firewall is frequently scanning and preventing unauthorized access: Additionally, it uses a password-free two-factor authentication login to verify your identity. The service does not allow a user to upload files to protect the website. I know that with any medical care, you need to trust the people involved to protect your information and promote your health.
You probably have received medical treatment from a physician assistant. You know they are highly skilled, knowledgable practitioners. I am proud of my career and my chosen profession. Physician Assistants are sometimes called patient advocates. We have a reputation for explaining complex medical terms in a way that is easier to understand. We have a reputation of spending more time with patients, especially when doctors are pressured for their time. Physician Assistants tend to be thorough in their evaluations and have a high rate of patient satisfaction.
I’ve included a link to a video clip of one of my recent discussions on the COVID pandemic. Watch it if you want to learn more about me. I want to earn your business. I wish you wellness and continued excellence in medical care as you interact with professionals in the future.
American social media users are “very satisfied” with the health information they receive from PAs, according to a new survey, The Great American Search for Healthcare Information. https://t.co/ewfHRz5GBA
— AAPA (@AAPAorg) November 20, 2018