Alabama The Governor has not issued a statewide mask mandate despite record-high hospitalizations.
Alaska The state records another near record-high number of new infections.
Arizona Four months into the pandemic and still residents were getting in line the night before testing sites open and are waiting weeks to learn of verified results.
Arkansas Eighty-Four of the four hundred and two patients who have COVID are on ventilators.
California El Centro, a town on the Mexican border, has to use tents outside of the hospital to treat COVID patients.
Colorado Restaurants, Child Care Centers, and a Camp are the newest outbreaks.
Connecticut On Wednesday, the state had no COVID related deaths, the first time since March.
Delaware. Twenty-five of those who have died from COVID are between the age of 18 and 50.
Florida The state hits a new federal record, the most new cases documented in any state on one day.
Georgia. Mayor of Atlanta rolls back to phase one for the city; Governor says it is guidance only and not legally enforceable.
Hawaii The state is rethinking about how it moves forward with tourists as cases surge in several mainland states.
Idaho. The state sees record-setting days of new infections twice in the past week.
Illinois. Governor urges a national mask mandate to save lives.
Indiana. The percentage of those who test positive rises above five percent.
Iowa. The state sets a new record high number of infections for one day.
Kansas. Four of the previous eight days set record-high numbers of new infections.
Kentucky. Despite two earlier quarantines, 51-year-old nurse contracts and dies from COVID-19. Governor issues statewide mask mandate.
Louisiana. Governor announces a statewide mask mandate.
Maine. The number of COVID hospitalizations is down to levels last seen in March.
Maryland. The state sees some of the lowest percentages of positive cases since the pandemic began.
Massachusetts. About 1 in 8 of the state’s residents have tested for the virus.
Michigan. Grand Rapids region seeing the highest levels of new infections in the state.
Minnesota. Over eight hundred new infections reported on Saturday, the highest number in over seven weeks.
Mississippi Twenty six-state legislators become infected after refusing to wear masks.
Missouri. Cases surge in the state and St. Louis area.
Montana. The state sees a record-high number of new infections.
Nebraska. State officials encouraged as most severe cases of COVID appear to be declining.
Nevada Bars are closed for a second time as new cases climb in the state.
New Hampshire. The percentage of people under the age of thirty who test positive for the virus climbing over the last month.
New Jersey. The state’s transmission rate falls below 1.
New Mexico. Indoor dining once again banned in the state.
New York. The state hits the lowest number of new hospitalizations and death toll since March.
North Carolina. A family gathering has infected 41 people in the state.
North Dakota. The wife of 64-year old victim warns the virus is not political. Her husband had no underlying health problems.
Ohio. The state records the highest number of new infections to date.
Oklahoma. The state records record-high new infections.
Oregon The Governor prefers science to guide decisions on school reopening.
Pennsylvania. Allegheny County has one-quarter of the state’s new infections.
Puerto Rico Unemployment rate of 23% is the highest in the United States.
Rhode Island. The family of a nurse who died from a blood clot while symptomatic with COVID symptoms tells her story.
Samoa, A legislator who is a candidate for lieutenant governor, returned COVID funds as he states he was unaware the $10,000 US dollars given to his office and cites lack of accountability.
South Carolina. After Arizona and Florida, the state is seeing the third-highest rate of new infections in the world, causing hospital beds to fill, shortages on supplies, and health care workers overwhelmed.
South Dakota. The state Department of Health releases a guideline for risk.
Tennessee. Nashville area positive infective rate goes above 20%.
Texas. The state is among others that are seeing a higher spike of COVID deaths.
US Virgin Islands. Hotels required to report COVID-19 symptoms of its guests.
Utah. Some begin to question if it is time to shut down again.
Vermont. A camp using a hotel for three weeks told to reduce its size.
Virginia. Hampton Roads region has one-third of the state’s new infections.
Washington. Daily new infections are now higher than previous records.
West Virginia. The state has the nation’s highest COVID-19 transmission rate.
Wisconsin. The state breaks record-high new infections three days in a row.
Wyoming. Wyoming man dies from COVID-19 as hospitalizations rise.
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Updated 7/12/2020 at 12:09 pm EST