Alabama Hospitalizations drop to the lowest levels since June.
Alaska Anchorage woman in her 40’s is among the youngest Alaskan to die from COVID.
Arizona Intensive care unit bed capacity in Arizona hospitals has dropped to 78%.
Arkansas Overall death toll passes 1,000 in the state.
California The state’s government passed a law requiring companies to help protect workers from COVID.
Colorado College attendees are significantly increasing the number of new infections in the state.
Connecticut The percent positive rate and hospitalizations in the state increase again to levels last seen in July.
Delaware The average of positive cases is up to levels last seen in July.
Florida The state surpasses 13,000 COVID deaths, and a new surge may be coming in the state’s southwest.
Georgia Michael Stipe, a singer of REM and originally from Athens, recommends guidelines for the governor and the state.
Hawaii Office clerk at school who contracted COVID dies five days later. Her sister believes she contracted the virus at her job.
Idaho Pastor skeptical of masks is in the ICU.
Illinois The seven-day average positive rate is 3.6%, total deaths in the state recorded 8,392 deaths to date.
Indiana New infections among college students and high schoolers are up, other age groups are down, and hospitalizations are steady.
Iowa Federal report states the state has one of the highest infection rates in the country.
Kansas The positive monthly rate is 7.7%.
Kentucky The state’s Supreme Court to hear arguments against the governor’s COVID orders.
Louisiana The state’s positivity rate is 5.5%, and hospitalizations are trending down.
Maine An August wedding is linked to seven deaths, none of which attended.
Maryland The state begins a program to attempt to reduce infections among the Hispanic population.
Massachusetts Parents knowingly sent their infected son to first day of school.
Michigan Michigan State University outbreak leads to quarantine of many large houses in Lansing.
Minnesota Hospitalizations are down, while the highest rate of new infections remains with 20-29 year olds.
Mississippi Restrictions on mail-in voting cause concern among those with a greater risk of severe infection.
Missouri Hospitalizations are increasing in the state.
Montana The state began posting a weekly tally of positive COVID-19 cases in private and public schools and universities.
Nebraska New infections are increasing in the state.
Nevada The state passes 1,500 deaths, the majority in one county.
New Hampshire Schools get none of the promised federal FEMA money despite increased expenses due to the pandemic.
New Jersey One middle school goes to all-remote classes after a teacher tests positive.
New Mexico The Governor allows more activities due to progress on limiting the spread of new infections.
New York For over one month, the positive rate remains below 1%
North Carolina Thousands incorrectly informed they tested positive for COVID.
North Dakota New infections and deaths from COVID are up in the state.
Ohio Five counties have red status, four in western Ohio.
Oklahoma Of those who died from COVID in the state, more than half had a pre-existing heart or vascular condition.
Oregon Workplace outbreaks were noted at over 60 businesses in the state.
Pennsylvania The Governor states he will fight judges ruling against pandemic restrictions.
Puerto Rico The island reports its highest one day COVID death rate since the pandemic began.
Rhode Island Some of the state’s top restaurants are permanently closing.
Samoa The United States is sending PPE supplies to the islands.
South Carolina The state approaches 3,000 deaths while the positive rate remains above 11%.
South Dakota Hospitalizations at another record high.
Tennessee How the state taxpayer helped pay for a COVID influenced NASCAR race.
Texas The Governor allows for restrictions on most businesses to ease, bars to remain closed.
US Virgin Islands The islands are set to open to tourists on September 19th. Tourists will need a negative test or quarantine for 14 days.
Utah The state sets a record for new daily infections.
Vermont Dr. Fauci says Vermont is a model state for its response to COVID.
Virginia The southwest area of the state has the highest positivity rate.
Washington Weddings and funerals in the state may have up to 30 participants, but they need to wear face coverings.
West Virginia A restaurant in the city of Hurricane is taking the Governor and COVID restrictions to court.
Wisconsin The state sets a new infection record and some cities are seeing a high percentage of cases.
Wyoming The state sees a single-day record of new cases this week.
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Updated 9/18/2020 at 9:30 am EST
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